California: I-5 Empire Project Update – Upcoming Construction Activities and Closures


I-5 Construction | California | I-5 Exit Guide

California Department of Transportation construction activities and closures listed below will occur January 24-30, 2015, as part of the I-5 Empire Project in Burbank, a series of freeway improvements between Magnolia Boulevard and Buena Vista Street. All of the work will occur during daytime hours unless otherwise specified.

Major Construction Activities for January 24-30, 2015

  • Pile Driving Update: There will be NO pile driving Jan. 24-30. The pile driving operation near the intersection of Buena Street and Winona Avenue will resume Jan. 31.
  • Leland Way Channel Cap: Construction of abutment (including concrete pours) and deck cleaning. Flaggers will be on site to ensure street and driveway access at all times.
  • Shoring for bridge abutment near Buena Vista Street and Winona Avenue.
  • Crushing of material stockpiled at the former southbound I-5 Scott Road off-ramp.
  • Grading and drainage work at the southbound I-5 Buena Vista Street off-ramp.
  • Forming and pouring retaining walls at the northbound I-5 Buena Vista Street on-ramp.
  • Concrete pours for column footings on the east side of Buena Vista Street.
  • Forming of footings and concrete pours on the north side of Winona Avenue.
  • Construction of retaining wall for the new southbound I-5 Empire Avenue off-ramp
  • Compaction of earth for the construction of temporary railroad tracks between San Fernando Road and Buena Vista Street.
  • Installation of concrete barriers at the northbound San Fernando off-ramp and Buena Vista Street off- and on-ramps.
  • Trenching for utility conduits on Victory Place about 400 feet north of Empire Avenue.
  • Utility relocation work on Victory Place south of Empire Avenue.

What to Expect: Residents and businesses close to the freeway may notice vibration and construction noise, but it will not exceed levels permitted by state, federal and local regulations. Also, the contractor is using approved dust-control measures to minimize airborne particles, but some dust is expected.
Please be attentive to closures, slow down, and watch for workers in construction zones. Additionally, motorists should be attentive to new traffic patterns created by restriping of travel lanes
and concrete barriers. Please proceed cautiously and watch for workers.

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