Southbound I-5 Congestion in Oregon Next Two Months

I-5 Traffic, I-5 Construction Oregon Construction | I-5 Exit Guide

The Oregon Department of Transportation reports that Interstate 5 motorists should watch for southbound shoulder closures and congestion on Roberts Mountain the next two months due to tree and brush-cutting work. Motorists should use extra caution when driving and passing in this area.

The work zone is located about five miles south of Roseburg, extending along I-5 from Roberts Creek (milepost 117.7) to the south foot of the mountain (milepost 115.3).

Trucks often slow down and use the interstate shoulder when climbing steep grades. The shoulder closures on Roberts Mountain may result in added congestion as more of these slow-moving trucks use the travel lanes.

Most of the tree and brush removal will take place within 100 feet of the shoulder on the west (southbound) side of the highway. All trees must be felled prior to the start of the bird nesting season in March.

Next year, ODOT will begin construction on Roberts Mountain, building a climbing lane on the northbound and southbound I-5 approach to the pass. Excavation will likely begin in February or March. The project will also pave six miles of I-5 from the South Umpqua River to Roberts Creek (milepost 112.5-117.7).

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