Oregon I-5 Road Construction and Conditions Report

I-5 Traffic, I-5 Construction Oregon Construction | I-5 Exit Guide

The Oregon Department of Transportation is reporting the following updated information regarding I-5 road construction and conditions:

I-5 MP 242.13: I-5 SB Exit 242 ramp to Talbot Rd (north of Albany) Effective March 6, 2016, the ramp from I-5 southbound Exit 242 to Talbot Rd will be intermittently closed between the hours of 9 PM & 5 AM. Estimated date of completion is March 18, 2016.

I-5 MP 250.15 to 251.76: Estimated delay under 20 minutes. Watch for increased construction activity near the interchange, proceed with caution through the work zone and obey posted speed limits. Project Summary: The I-5 Kuebler Interchange Project will address the increasing congestion at the interchange by modifying the existing southbound off ramp, which will decrease the conflicts at Kuebler that have caused back-ups on I-5 southbound. The new ramp will meet modern standards and contain excess capacity. The project will also add a westbound to southbound I-5 loop on ramp and modify the eastbound to southbound I-5 on ramp.

I-5 MP 271.6 to 274.69: I-5 MP 271.35 to MP 276.01 NB & SB (Woodburn) This section of I-5 southbound will be restricted to 17 feet 01 in. in height. This section of I-5 northbound will be restricted to 16 feet 09 in. in height. Estimated date of completion is September 30, 2016.

I-5 MP 271.6 to 272.03: I-5 NB & SB Exit 271 ramps to / from OR214 / OR219 (Woodburn) The on- and off-ramps to/from I-5 northbound and southbound Exit 271 to OR214 and OR219 will be restricted to 16 feet 00 in. in width. Mobile homes with eaves are allowed, provided the base width does not exceed 16 feet 00 in. in width. Estimated date of completion is September 30, 2016.

I-5 MP 289.5: I-5 NB MP 289.50 (crossing under Nyberg Rd Exit 289 – Tualatin) Effective March 4, 2016, I-5 crossing under Nyberg Rd will be restricted to 15 feet 06 in. in height between the hours of 9 PM & 5 AM. Estimated date of completion is March 6, 2016.

I-5 MP 294.21 to 305.44: Double lane and shoulder closures on I-5 SB between I-84 and the Marquam Bridge. ODOT is partnering with law enforcement for extra presence in the construction zone. Periodic single lane and shoulder closures on I-405 in both directions on the Fremont Bridge Monday-Friday from 8 p.m. to 6 a.m. Periodic double lane and shoulder closures on I-5 southbound (between I-84 and the Marquam Bridge) Monday-Friday from 8 p.m. to 6 a.m.

I-5 MP 297.55 to 306.18: I-5 MP 298 to MP 306 NB & SB ramps (Portland) The following ramps will be intermittently closed on Sunday through Thursday nights between the hours of 9 PM & 6 AM; Friday nights between the hours of 9 PM & 7 AM; Sunday nights between the hours of 9 PM & 8 AM: I-5 NB Exit 298 ramp to Corbett Ave; I-5 SB Exit 300B ramp to US26 / OR99E; I-5 SB ramp from Weidler St / Wheeler Ave / Winning Way; I-5 NB on-ramp from Broadway St; I-5 SB Exit 303 ramp to Alberta St / Swan Island; I-5 SB Exit 304 ramp to Rosa Parks Way. Estimated date of completion is February 29, 2016.

I-5 MP 298.24 to 306.12: I-5 MP 298 to MP 306 NB & SB (Portland) This section of I-5 will be restricted to 15 feet 05 in. in height northbound, and 14 feet 06 in. in height southbound between the hours of 8 PM & 9 AM. Estimated date of completion is February 29, 2016.

I-5 MP 298.24 to 306.12: I-5 MP 298 to MP 306 NB & SB (Portland) This section of I-5 will be restricted to 13 feet 00 in. in width Sunday through Thursday nights between the hours of 10 PM & 5:30 AM; Friday nights between the hours of 10 PM & 8 AM; Saturday nights between the hours of 10 PM & 9 AM. Estimated date of completion is February 29, 2016.

I-5 MP 300.271: I-5 SB ramp to I-405 NB (Portland) Effective March 11, 2016 the ramp from I-5 southbound to I-405 northbound will be restricted to 13 feet 00 in. in width between the hours of 9:30 PM & 5 AM. Estimated date of completion is March 19, 2016.

I-5 MP 301.06 to 302.43: I-5 MP 301.0 to MP 302.5 NB & SB (Portland) This section of I-5 will be restricted to 15 feet 07 in. in height northbound, and 14 feet 10 in. in height southbound between the hours of 10 PM & 5 AM. Estimated date of completion is February 13, 2016.

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